An Open Space for Resource Sharing

The interdiac learning community offers a space where you can find and share resources and programmes to develop Christian social practice interdiac has a special focus on Central and Eastern Europe and Central Asia but has a global orientation

How to start?

Latest Posts

Marginalisation of young people

Thank you for very useful publications!

Pedagogy in diaconal practice with the young people

Great new publication from youth work. Thank you!

Church History

The link for the above mentioned page no longer works. :(

Ethical issues in work with young people

Great work! Interesting and effective information.

New on this site

New publication on Christian Social Practice

Practioner-Researcher is a new Handbook which develops an integrated
approach to diaconal practice, grounded on learning experiences and
reflected practice in interdiac programmes. You can download it here

Peace Building section has been updated

Find new updates in peace buiding section. New resources and links to peace educaton have been added to relevant sections

New publication from Make Change Yourself: Turning Challenges to Your Advantage!

New publications from the international learning programme - Make Change Yourself: Turning Challenges to Your Advantage! you can download it here

For learning programme

Learning Journal Event Diary