Педагогика в диаконской практике с людьми и группами людей
Здесь вы можете найти материалы о подходах и методах в диаконической педагогики и о том, как они могут быть задействованы в практике христианской социальной работы с людьми и группами. Ресурсы помогут увидеть, как размышления посредством неформального и формального обучения способствуют развитию передовой практики.
- EN Learning for Empowering Youth Work Practice (внешняя ссылка)This booklet is the so-called ‘recommendation paper’ which distils the experience of the different programme actors and spells out the implications for a new vision of working with young people and of the learning programme to support such practice. It ends with some practical conclusions.
- EN Make Change Yourselves: Turning Challenges to Your Advantage! The Curriculum (внешняя ссылка)The Curriculum presents the design, contents and main learning points for the interdiac Learning Programme. It was developed by experts in the youth work field and the interdiac team
- EN Make Change Yourselves: Turning Challenges to Your Advantage! The Operational Plan (внешняя ссылка)The Operational Plan gives full details of the learning process based on the Curriculum design. It presents the programme as a process lasting just over a year.
- EN Make Change Yourselves: Turning Challenges to Your Advantage! Handbook for Programme Leaders (внешняя ссылка)The Handbook gives guidance for those who would like to implement the learning programme. It goes through the programme step by step and is built on the Operational Plan.
- EN Make Change Yourselves: Turning Challenges to Your Advantage! Handbook for Programme Participants (внешняя ссылка)This Handbook is aimed at giving participants in the learning programme the guidance they need to fully participate.
- EN Make Change Yourselves! Participants Stories and Reflections (внешняя ссылка)This booklet presents the learning journey of eleven participants in the interdiac learning programme. It is a valuable resource because it elaborates the key learning points from different perspectives and illuminates the curriculum and operational plan in practice.