Религия, идентичность и конфликт
Здесь вам предлагается прочитать и поразмышлять о влиянии конфликта на личную и групповую идентичность. В материале основное внимание уделяется роли религии в решении вопросов идентичности. Так же здесь вы найдете материал, который объясняет и предлагает профессионалам идеи по практике ухода за собой для предотвращения выгорании.
- DE Peace Building Platform of Civil Actors in Germany (внешняя ссылка)The platform Civil Conflict Management is the central network for the promotion of civil conflict management in the German-speaking region. Since its founding in 1998, it has networked and strengthened the civil society peace community and acts as its representative in the political sphere. The members of the platform cover a wide range of active peace work. They come from civil conflict management in Germany, human rights and development cooperation, peace research, mediation and peace movement, among others.
- EN LWF Peace Messengers Training – Training Manual for Participants (PDF – 2 MB)This Manual was developed by the Lutheran World Federation in 2018 for training young people from faith communities involved in peacebuilding. It contains many useful ideas for a training programme and for practice in the field.
- EN Peace Building Within Our Communities. Tear Fund Handbook (PDF – 719 KB)This Manual was prepared for Tear Fund workers involved in peacebuilding in different world regions.