Понимание и отображение причин и тенденций миграции

Ресурсы в этом разделе помогут вам понять мировые тенденции миграции и предоставят информацию о реальных иммиграционных и эмиграционных потоках и их причины.


  • EN ROMANIA: UNACCOMPANIED CHILDREN CAUGHT IN AN INVISIBLE CRISIS (PDF – 486 KB)The press release from the international well known organisation "save the children" gives an overview of the situation of unaccompanied minor refugees in Romania. In the document there are links to more information about and from "save the children".
  • EN PEOPLE ON THE MOVE (PDF – 1,4 MB)This is a qualified, people-centred study by Dr. Ulla Sirto (Diakonia University of applied Sciences, Helsinki, Finland), initiated by INTERDIAC. It includes a selection of coutry reports from Eastern Europe, stories of migrant people and analysis. The study could be helpful for further regional research studies. In the appedix you find good questoniares.
  • EN BAMF: Federals Office for Migration and Refugees in Germany (внешняя ссылка)The link explains the asylum- and refugee-policy of Germany SUBJECTS: Initial taking into care and initial screening / Distribution and further taking into care / guardianship / asylum application LANGUAGES: Englisch / German / Russian / French / Arabic and sign language(!)
  • EN The official European Migration Network from EU-Commission (внешняя ссылка)The European Migration Network (EMN) provides up-to-date, objective, reliable and comparable information on migration and asylum with a view to supporting policymaking in the European Union. The EMN also aims to inform the general public on migration and asylum; some information are in 24 languages of EU.
  • EN Unaccompanied minors in the EU (PDF – 207 KB)With short description one get an overview about the situation of unaccompanied minor refugees in Europe.
  • DE EU asylum policy 2020 (PDF – 366 KB)The document shows an fact sheet about the EU alsylum policy in the year 2020. Its a summary about the legal basis, the aims and the results and will be published every year in December.
  • DE Family reunion (PDF – 381 KB)The governmental institute for labour market and occupational research in Germany made a study about family reunion for migrants. Here you find an abstract.
  • DE UNHCR Convention for the Rights of Refugees (PDF – 150 KB)This document is an international agreement for the rights of refugees with definition of "refugee" and how to treat in all countries (German version)
  • EN UNHCR Convention for the Rights of Refugees (PDF – 476 KB)This document is an international agreement for the rights of refugees with definition of "refugee" and how to treat in all countries (Englisch version)