Home How to start

How to start?

The site is open to anyone who is interested in diaconia and Christian social practice and wants to learn together in a growing learning community of practitioners and field-researchers!

Here you can download useful resources, comment on an item, join a discussion or suggest sharing materials in your national language.

Before you start we invite you to go through the useful orientation tips below and read a short introduction to interdiac.

To start:
  1. Reflect on your motives and interest in engagement  with interdiac and this site.
  2. Define and adjust your learning goals and then read about possible roles for this site.
  3. Plan some steps for your learning and relate them to your time plan.
  4. Become a member.
Things to know about us before you start:
I would like to... (thinking about your role):
Tips for fruitful involvement:

For learning programme

Learning Journal Event Diary